Helping Parents feel calm.
Kids and teens feel calm.
And families feel more at peace.
Ditch (or mostly ditch) your anxiety, and live in a more easeful state with yourself and your family.
Hey there! I’m Andrea.
Lets face it, there’s a lot going on the world right now.
And the worry + anxiousness we feel impacts our family; kids, teens + home life!
And if our kids/ teens struggle or have their own challenges, it’s easy to experience more anxiety.
And anxiety left unchecked, leads to more family drama, disagreements + a stressful life.
I’ve lived this. I know first hand. And, I’ve found a way to cultivate peace + calm with myself and my family.
I’m happy to show you how to do the same, if you’re ready!
Kind Words
Andrea is one of the most competent, skilled, empathetic thought coach and nutritional counselors I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my 40 years of holistic practice. I unconditionally recommend her.
Dr Cushing, D.C., D.Ch,
Charlotte, NC
I’m hearing from my family that I look so healthy. I’m unusually calm and I seem really happy. Because of working with Andrea, there aren’t many things that drain the life out of me anymore. I am able to let the small stuff go and focus on what is important at the moment, and do things that make me feel happy or I can find a way to make things pleasant that normally would have stressed me out.
Nancy Barbara Schutts, Director, Find Us Outside, Inc.
Newtown, CT
Mini Digital Course
Thrive During Stressful Times: How to Keep it All Together as a Mom + a Family:
As a mom, I started to freak out during the pandemic. I worried about my family, our health, keeping us all safe and I began to worry about our future.
In this Mini Digital Course I cover the specific tools I used to calm down, take the edge off of my fear and eventually feel REALLY GOOD again!